The Origin

Honestly, the entire idea for this site came from a mental exercise - I wanted to see if I could get a website to automatically calculate the number of days since Dec 31, 2020.
As I was playing with that, a large group of idiots decided to mount a half-assed insurrection in the US Capitol.

There were a number of jokes online about who 2021 was supposed to be a reset, or fresh start after the hell of 2020 and I thought 'Why not let 2021 STILL be that fresh start!"

And the site was born. I am confident that there will be more 'what the hell' moments. For large scale surrealities I'll build another product or two, but every day the 'Date' on the home page will update automatically with today's 2020 date, so whenever you or a friend is having just a truly horrible day, this site can remind you that it's still 2020, and tomorrow can be a fresh start.

Unless it's shitty too.